电话:+86-755-8304 2538
销售合同 | 订购单 | 销售合同修改协议 |
Sales Contracts | Purchase Order | Sales-Contract Amendment Agreement |
到货通知单 | 检验证书 | 质检单 |
Adivise of Arrival of Imports | Inspection Certificate | Analysis Certificate |
质量/数量证书 | 原产地证 | 货运提单 |
Quality/Quantity Certificate | Certification of Origin | Bill of Lading |
发票 | 装箱单 | 普惠证 |
Invoices | Packing List | Generalized Preference Certificate |
受益人证明 | 金出口货物报关单 | 货物进出口证明书 |
Beneficiary's Certificate | Import&Export Declaration | Certificate of Importation&Exportation of Goods |
三、引进和利用外资类法律文书(Attraction&Introdution of Foreigh Investment)
中外合资经营企业合同 | 中外合资经营企业章程 | 在中国设立外资企业申请表 |
Sino-Foreigh Joint-venture Contracts | Articles of Association&By-laws of Sino-Foreigh Joint-venture | Application for the Establishment of a Sino-Foreigh Joint-venture in the PRC |
四、国外设立公司类法律文书(Forms Needed for the Establishment of a Corporation Outside the PRC)
公司名称申请表 | 公司组织大纲注册申请书 | 公司成立证书 |
Request for Reservation of Corporate Name | Cover Letter for Filing Articles | Certificate of Incoporation of a Private Limited Company |
股份公司章程 | 有关公司董事会事项文书 | 股东声明 |
Articles of Association&By-laws | Forms Pertaining to the Business of Directors | Shareholder Representation Letter |
企业资产出售单 | 支付股款现金收据 | 股权证 |
Bill of Sale for Assets of a Business | Receipt for the Cash Payment | Certificate of Shares |
股份有限公司管理条例 | 公司执照申请表 | 认股文书 |
Regulations for Management of a Company Limited by Shares | Application for License | Subsription |
放弃权利申明 | 同意不对公司进行审计的声明 | |
Waiver | Exemption from Audit Requirement |
五、金融类法律文书(Financial Forms)
信用证 | 银行汇票 | 汇票通知书 |
Letter of Credit | Bill of Exchange | Advise of Draft issued |
支票 | 期票 | 资信证明 |
Checks | Promissory Notes | Certificate of Credit Status |
止付通知书 | 信用付款收据 | 流通定期存款证书 |
Stop-payment Notice | Trust Receipt | Negotiable Time Certifcate of Deposit |
银行信用卡 | 印鉴卡 | |
Bank Credit Card | Signature Card |
六、仓储类法律文书(Warehousing & Transportation)
仓单 | 存货抵押清单 | 缴款通知 |
Warehouse Receipt | Feild Warehouse Receipt | Demand to Pay Charges |
出售仓储货物的通知 | 统一记名提单 | 统一牲畜货运合同 |
Sales of Warehoused Goods | Uniform Straight Bill of Lading | Uniform Live Stock Contract |
场站收据(收货单) | 海运提单 | 空运单 |
Dock Receipts | Ocean Bill of Lading | Air Bill of Lading |
承运人行使留置权而拍卖货物的文书 | ||
Notice of Sale |
七、海关类法律文书(Custom House)
国际航行船舶进口报告书 | 船员自用/船舶备用物品、货币、金银清单 | 船舶吨税申报表 |
Report of Entry for Foreign-going Ship | List of Specified Articles, Foreign Currencies, Gold, Silver Belonging to Ship and/ or Crews | Application for Tonnage Dues Certificate |
船舶检查记录 | 货物出口证明书 | 货物进口证明书 |
Ship Inspection Record | Certificate of Exportation of Goods | Certificate of Entry of Goods |
八、税收类法律文书(Duties & Tax)
工商统一申报表 | 外国企业季度所得税申报表 | 外国企业年度所得税申报表 |
Uniform Industrial & Commercial Tax Return | Foeign Business Quarterly Income Tax Return | Foeign Business Annual Income Tax Return |
中外合资经营企业季度所得税申报表 | 中外合资经营企业年度所得税申报表 | 汇出利润所得税申报表 |
Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Quarterly Income Tax Return | Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Annual Income Tax Return | Repatriated Profit Tax Return |
个人所得税年度申报表 | 外国居民享受税收协定待遇 | 商业税证明申请书 |
Individual Income Tax Return | Agreed Tax Treatment for Foreign Residents | Application for Business Tax Permits |
九、商品检验类法律文书(Inspection of Goods)
出口商品预验申请书 | 出口商品运输包装性能检验申请单 | 出口商品检(查)验申请单 |
Application for Preliminary Inspection of Exports | Application for Inspection of Packing of Exports | Application for Inspection of Exports |
证书证单补发、重发、更改申请书 | 商品检验证书 | 质检单 |
Application for Make-up Issuance, Re-issuance & Modification of Certificates or Documents | Inspection Certificate | Quality Analysis Certificate |
商品质量/数量证书 | 普惠制产地证书申请书 | |
Goods Quality/Quantity Certificate | Application for Generalized System of Preferences Certificate of Origin |
海洋货物运输保险单 | 产品责任险投保单 | 产品责任保险单 |
Marine Cargo Transportation Insurance Policy | Proposal Form for Products Liability Insurance | Products Liability Insurance Policy |
人身意外险投保单 | 人身意外险保单 | 赔偿金额表 |
Proposal Form for Personal Accident Insurance | Personal Accident Insurance Policy | Indemnity Scale |
暂保单 | 人身意外险费率表 | 出国人员人身意外险费率表 |
Cover Note | Personal Accident Insurance Premium Rate | Personal Accident Insurance Premium Rate for Persons Going Abroad |
展览会责任险费率表 | ||
Exhibition Liability Insurance |
经济合同公证书 | 企业法人资格公证书格式 | 招标公证书 |
Notarial Certificate of Contract | Corporate Capacity Certificate | Bid Notarial Certificate |
委托类公证书 | 商标注册公证书 | 赠与公证书 |
Notarial Certificate of Trust | Notarial Certificate of Trademark Registration | Notarial Certificate of Donation |
声明书公证书 | ||
Notarial Certificate of Declaration |
仲裁协定 | 仲裁申请书 | 指定仲裁员声明书 |
Arbitral Agreement | Application for Arbitration | Statement of Appointing Arbitrator |
应诉通知书 | 案情陈述书 | 答辩陈述 |
Notice of Apperance | Statement of Case | Statement of Defense |
审理通知 | 申请签发传票 | 传票 |
Notice of Hearing | Application of for Issuance of Summons | Summons |
申诉人宣誓书 | 仲裁费用表 | 保全措施申请书 |
Claimant's Affidavit Authenticity | Schedual of Fees | |
裁定、裁决书 | 用于领取裁决的文书 | 更改裁决申请书 |
Award | Notice for Taking-up of Award | Application for Correction of Award |
就更改裁决的裁定 | 经更改后的裁决 | |
Award for the Correction | Corrected Award |
十三、涉外审判类法律文书(Legal Forms for Economics Cases)
诉状 | 传票 | 传票送达回执或宣誓证明 |
Complaints | Summons | Return on Service, Affidavit of Service |
证人宣誓书 | 旧书证的宣誓证明(加拿大) | 申请函件 |
Affidavit of Witness | Affidavit of Documents | Praecipe or Precipe |
和解提议书 | 撤销和解提议文书 | 接收和解提议书 |
Offer to Settle | General Form | Acceptance of Offer to Settle |
审判准备就绪通知 | 答辩状 | 要求简易裁判申请书 |
Notice of Readiness for Trial | Answer on the Merits | Motion for Summary Judgement |
要求陪审团审判通知书 | 动议通知书(加拿大) | 诉讼中间裁决书 |
Jury Notice | Notice of Motion | Interim Judgement |
案件审理证明 | 要求认证通知书 | 判决书 |
Certificate of Pending Litigation | Request to Admit | Judgement |
再审申请书 | 扣押和变卖财产令 | 判决执行协议书 |
Motion for New Trial | Writ of Seizure & Sale | Deed of Settlement |
权力主张陈述书 | 上诉通知书 | 上诉状 |
Statement of Claim | Notice of Appeal | Petition for Appeal |
十四、律师常用法律文书(Forms for Law Office & others)
聘用律师合同 | 风险代理协议 | 委托代理合同 |
Retaining Agreement | Contigent Fee Retainer | Agreement of Agency |
律师事务所雇员待遇规定 | 节假日通知书 | 授权委托书 |
Law Firm Employee Benefits | Holidays Memorandom | Power of Attorney |
撤销授权委托书通知 | 证明书 | 担保书 |
Notice of Revocation of Power of Attorney | Certificate of Solicitor | Guaranty |
宣誓书 | 招聘广告 | 推荐书 |
Affidavit | Help-Wanted Advertising | Recommondation |
简历 | 论文摘要 | |
Resume | Abstract of Thesis |
- 上一篇:公共场所双语标识英文译法
- 下一篇:中国人的姓氏在美国的尴尬